Welcome to the Akicita Gun & Knife Club
Designed around the speakeasies of the 20’s and 30’s where access to the club was limited. Our goal is to make this the most unique shooting experience ever. Just a few of the features include:
Multiple Membership Options enabling to you pick what suites you best
Complimentary Spouse and Significant Other Membership
Member T- Shirt
Access to Member Only Events
20 % off of Akicita Gear
Training Course Discounts
OnSite Camping
A) Premium $575 Annual Fee
B) Plus $450 Annual Fee
C) Basic $300 Annual Fee
D) Daily Use Pass $35 (Max 5 Days)
* All plans require a one time $50 Registration Fee *
Membership Breakdown
* Unlimited Range Time * Member T-Shirt * Free Guest * Spouse / Significant Other Free * 20% Off Akicita Store * Akicita Decals * ID Card * Newsletter * Discount Course Fee
* 70 Hours of range time per month * Member T-Shirt * ID Card * Guest $30 * Newsletter * 20% Akicita Store * Discount Courses * Akicita Decals * $25 Spouse/ Significant Other Annual Fee
* 30 Hours range time * $10 Member T-Shirt * Newsletter * Guest $40 * 20% Akicita Store * Discounted Course Fee * Akicita Decals * ID Card * $50 Spouse/ Significant Other Fee
It’s a straightforward process that starts by sending us your contact info on the main page. Someone will respond the same day with a simple questionnaire for you to fill out. Simply answer a few questions, take a pic of it and e mail it back to us. Once approved which generally only takes a day or two at most, you will receive a welcome letter. This will include some further details including access information, rules and regs as well as an agreement document stating that our club’s location is secret and can only be divulged through becoming a member. Yet again just as in the Prohibition days, we are limiting access to the general public. This in turn keeps the club manageable, safe and fun with what we hope to include a ton of camaraderie.