The Boys and Girls of Summer…….. Not exactly what the amazing Don Henley wrote, but hey we are here to change some stuff up and rewrite things.
6/12/23- ASC will be at our very first event on June 24th at the Roosterlympics in Gastonia. Come out and support the great cause. All money raised is going to benefit the Webb School in Gastonia. Come out and hear some great music , eat, drink and shop. You wont be disappointed.
6/13/23- Akicita crew is getting in a little much needed R&R at the coast. Nothing like typing as I’m sitting overlooking the ocean. Its been frantic trying to get everything in place for launch day a few weeks ago. I’m super proud of how we got things done and set into motion. The word is getting out there and we are getting met with super positive responses.
Woke up to an amazing morning on the coast. The sounds of crashing waves, birds, kids playing and last but not least a super proud American displaying their patriotism
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I met an awesome man named Dennis. We struck up a conversation about his Vietnam Vet headgear. Super cool guy with some awesome stories and it was a pure pleasure to be able to meet him and share some commonalities. Here is to you my new friend… Cheers “Gunslinger”
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I was up to watch a killer sunrise and listen to the crash of the waves again. It’s amazing to me how simple, yet beautiful it can be to watch the sunrise. I wish more people would get up to enjoy it. It just might change your life for the good. I am also working on some new shirt designs that I think everyone will love. It’s always a work in progress but something that I enjoy to bring new stuff to the table for folks. Also, about to launch our new 30L “Apache” rucksack with some pretty cool features. Stay tuned for updates and the official launch.
“Every single girl, whether we want to recognize it or not is a Warrior.” - Marjorie Liu
Interesting weather in the Carolinas. Nothing but rain the past few days. Put a tad bit of a damper on outdoor range time, but don’t fret. There is always indoor ranges which I detest, yet better than nothing. But even better, I love to do stance and grip work as well as dry fire exercises. You have to be consistent in your efforts to maintain accuracy and above grade performance should the need ever arise to protect yourself, your loved ones or an innocent bystander.
This past Saturday we had the pleasure of being a vendor at the 1st annual Roosterlympics in Gastonia, NC. So much fun with about 15 bands on an inside stage as well as outside. And proceeds went to benefit the Webb School, which is an absolutely amazing school for children with special needs. Led by Principle Chris and a very special team of dedicated teachers, this school is so very special in so many ways. It helps these Warrior children and their Warrior parents to accomplish things and be treated with kindness, respect, and passion for change. We connected with some really cool folks and got our message out. Thanks to all those that stopped by the booth, asked tons of questions and purchased. And also, a big shoutout to those parents that I had the pleasure of speaking with. You are the reason we started this company.
Happy July 4th everyone. I hope everyone was safe and enjoyed their time with family and friends. It was quite the “warm'“ time here in the Carolinas, yet we still enjoyed a huge party on Saturday to pre celebrate the 4th and my 50th birthday. Oh yes 50.. Wow wee, it’s hard to believe that I am at that age. However, I am excited to see what these next years have in store and looking forward to forging new personal and business relationships.
Woohoo, yet another sweltering day here in the Carolinas. The temps keep rising and the sun glares stronger everyday. But it’s also getting hotter and hotter because Akicita is getting more recognition. And more people are finding out how truly different we are.
Additionally, we have new shirt designs coming out as well as some other goodies that I feel you will really like.
July22nd is another show for us and a good time to stock up on your gear. And also, to check out firsthand the Warthog Target Training System. See how our system stands out from anything else on the market.
Here we are.. Already at the 12th day of the month. Time is just flying by, especially since I turned 50 on the 4th. Now is the time to turn it up right? Get in the absolute best shape of my life and keep growing this awesome company. I can tell you that I have not had this much fun in a long time. Meeting new and interesting people and having fantastic conversations about what we offer and how we are different. By simply engaging with people in a friendly manner , you can create lifelong friendships. In my opinion, that is what we need as a country. Engage with each other positively and sort through any differences to become one strong solid foundation.
Brewstock 2023 was a total blast. Plenty of great music and cool bands along with some really awesome customers. Myself and Brandon had a great time talking with everyone and showing the Akicita difference. Our new knives were a major hit along with The Lion Arms AR display. More and more folks are getting the word and deciding to entrust us with getting their arms built and sent asap.
Well folks, more of our knife line has started to show up at the office. We are super excited to have an even larger selection for our clients and soon to be clients. Whatever your need, whether is a kitchen knife, hunting, skinning, edc etc, we have you covered. Rest assured, you won’t be disappointed by the the selection and the warranty.
Well I was looking forward to dialing in some things at an outdoor range, but unknown to me at the time, there was a tournament going on. I’m not a huge indoor range fan, yet shooting time is shooting time and I wasn’t going to be picky at this point. I had the opportunity to meet a fine gentleman whose agency and name will remain anonymous will shooting. We started talking and he asked a few questions about techniques. It was quite honestly shocking to learn that the “instructors” are quick to point out bad shooting, they offered zero value added tips and tricks to turn that bad shooting into something good. It blows my mind that these officers are subjected to this and expected to react with samurai like skills, should the worst case scenario happen. And this was not the only person that has told me that this goes on in this agency. With some tips and tricks on proper stance, grip and a few other things, this awesome officer started shooting amazing. I think he had a good foundation but needed some help to refine his skillset. Officer O, if you see this sir, you will do fantastic on testing day no doubt. Keep up the hard work and practice… practice…. practice…
It’s hard to believe that this month is coming to a close in just a few days. There has been so much going on with the company that it is almost too much to write. SO let’s just do some short hand…. kayaking, paddle boarding, roof top tents, bottle openers, training, American Made. Sweet , short and to the point. We are bringing on a few folks that are going to make your head spin. Cheers
Yesterday was another great range day at Leed’s Park in Chester, SC. Its always amazing to meet some great likeminded folks and share stories, equipment preferences, etc. We worked out some kinks on the new and improved Warthog hard target system and made a few changes t our new secret system. Hoping to make a debut in the next few months….
Got in some great hikes in Arizona. I absolutely love it out that and I’m always ready to go back. Even though it was hot as 7 hells, the scenery and cool people make it so worth while. These pics were taken on the Cathedral Mountain climb.
Another great camping trip with a few friends and clients outside of Marion, NC. We also love to introduce folks to true camping and the great times it has to offer. Temps are starting to cool down a bit, which we love and def prefer to have. There is nothing like getting up to watch the sunrise, then hopping back into your tent and snuggling up in your bag.