What’s New with the Tribe ?
We are super excited to announce that our Speakeasy gun range is under current construction and looking for a soft grand opening at the end of November. For those not familiar with a speakeasy, let’s introduce you to the concept. From 1920-1933 in the US, the sales and consumption of alcohol was considered illegal. Some fine crafty gents decided that they would take matters into their own hands. Thus the beginning of speakeasies which gave patrons a place to relax and partake in some spirits. Additionally, it was a safe place to swap stories, trade secrets and hone fine skills.
However, you had to know someone or the secret password to gain entry.
We have decided to use that same concept and create the Akicita Gun & Knife Club. Our own Speakeasy of sorts. And no Alcohol will be permitted…Ladies and gentlemen can come and hone their fine skills, swap stories and enjoy camaraderie. Want to gain access to this one of a kind place? Reach out and lets talk, and you might just find yourself wearing one of our coveted “members only” T shirts.