About Us
We are a company that has set out to “Redefine the Warrior.” It is our firm belief that Warriors come in every gender, size, shape, and from every background. Akicita or “Ah- Ki-Chee-Tah” in Native American tongue means Warrior. Therefore, we are a Warrior Supply Company, but in a total different sense of the word.
We are here to equip and honor those individuals who make a positive impact in their communities, families, and workplace. The parents raising their 3 children and working 2 jobs a piece to make ends meet. The father who tested positive for cancer and still works everyday to feed and clothe his family. The mother whose husband passed away and she was left to care for the home and 2 small children, one whom has special needs. The soldiers that sacrifice everything, including their families to protect our country. These are all examples of true Warriors.
Our product lineup includes IFAKS, headgear, backpacks, plate carriers & plates, self defense hardware and a little bit of everything in between.
Contact Us
(803) 979-5535
35 6’ 22”N
81 3’ 25” W